We effectively

prevent payment gridlocks

Payment monitoring

is the prevention of overdue payments and a quick remedy to the risk of debt and payment gridlock.

What is a payment gridlock?

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    A payment gridlock is a payment which is overdue up to 3 months. Most often a payment gridlock is generated by your regular customers.

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    Our experience shows that nearly half of the gridlocks result from the gaps in the creditor’s control system.

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    A gridlock is not only about the value of money over time. Some gridlocks grow into debts, which are not always collectable.

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How do we operate?


Give it a try – it is well worth it!

The most common gaps in your company’s cash flow result from the preoccupation with other obligations and the lack of systematic collection work plans.

Being systematic and effective in cash flow optimization is our mission.



Najczęstsze luki przez które przeciekają należności w firmach to inne obowiązki i brak systematyczności.

A my jesteśmy bardzo systematyczni i skuteczni.

Do you have any questions? Contact us today!